Based in Watchet, Somerset
Before we go into all the different cylinder out there you first like to know what we offer!
Well we can:
Replace you current cylinder
Replace your immersion in your current cylinder
Move your cylinder
Upgrade your current cylinder
We install and repair Vented and Unvented Cylinders
Cylinders can have the immersion in the top, or one or two in the side. Knowing which can save you time and money! As this will save the plumber from needing to visit to check.
Their are different size Immersions, one for top 27" entry, and two for side entry 11" and 14".
The size of the side entry immersion depends on the litre size of your cylinder, which will be written on it. If Can't find the litres, then the general size will do, and the litres can be guessed from this.

Vented cylinders
There are three main types of vented cylinders.
The most common are pictured to the right, these are standard cylinders. They usually have a dome on the top, though not always, and are feed from a tank above (usually in the loft).
These cylinders can have the immersion in the top, or one or two in the side. Knowing which can save a extra visit, if yours needs replacing, as they are different sizes. Knowing the litres of your cylinder, which will be written on it, or just the general size, can also help, as there are two different sizes for side entry immersions, depending on the size of your cylinder